5 Effective Ways to Design Your Modern Office Layout

Modern Office Layout

Designing an office space that inspires your employees to be productive and looks after their well-being is key for any business. Get it right and it’s a great space to work in, connect, and help your business to flourish. But which type of modern office interior design works best for your business? To help you decide, we’ve put together a list of five types of effective office layouts from open-plan to cubicle.

Open-Plan Design

One of the most widely used modern office layout ideas is creating an open-plan modern office space. This makes it easier for your team to communicate with each other and work more efficiently in a modern office environment. It’s a design that is cost-effective and easy to set up working particularly well for creative businesses and those that have daily interaction with their teams and clients.

It’s a flexible design that can be adapted to suit your needs and is very popular with most modern office designs. If some type of partitioning is needed, you can use flexible options that can be moved around easily to create the space you need however it is important to consider natural light, visibility within an office and whether you want working areas to be closed off or opened up.

An open-plan type of design might not work for businesses that need their employees to have some privacy while they work with clients, and it can be a distraction for some team members. For those who wish to work in more privacy, in may be worth looking at glass walls or other types of office partitions to help create private spaces within your contemporary office design.

Cubicle Design

An office design space made from cubicles is the direct opposite of an open-plan layout. The use of cubicles in an office space is a classic layout that originated in the 1960s. This type of space is best for businesses that require privacy with less interaction between co-workers as it eliminates the distraction of being able to see anyone else. It’s ideal for detail-orientated tasks.

A cubicle also allows employees to personalise their space, helping them to feel ownership of it and therefore increase productivity. However, the biggest drawback to this kind of design is that it doesn’t encourage direct interaction or communication with other employees. That can make workers feel isolated unless there are also areas in the office where people can interact more.

This type of design can be expensive as it requires more furniture and dividers, and will also take up more space than an open-plan design.

Team-Cluster Office Design Space

As the name suggests, this type of layout is intended for businesses that do a lot of team-based work, something that is quite popular in modern offices. Employees are grouped in their teams and sit around a table creating an environment that’s perfect for collaboration and work that needs ideas to be bounced around and worked through.

It’s a great office solution for creative and design businesses that do their best work when everyone’s around a table collaborating. It provides an environment that can help to streamline workflows and boost productivity for a creative business as employees don’t need to waste time moving to a different space to be together. 

Blended Modern Office Design

Perhaps the best way of creating an office space design that meets the needs of all of your employees is to create a space that includes aspects of all of the above designs. Flexible office spaces that can be adapted, or specific zones for particular types of work allow employees to pick and choose how and where they work.

Relaxed, comfortable areas with communal seating and workstations with office furniture can be used when collaboration and discussions are needed. More formal, enclosed spaces allow those who prefer more privacy when they work or need to have confidential discussions the space to do that. This type of design provides a balanced solution to counter the drawbacks of the other designs when they’re used in isolation and helps to create a productive office environment.

These types of office design ideas often require more space and are likely to be more expensive than opting for a simplere design, but will create a more versatile environment that islikely to get the best out of the whole team.

Co-Working Office Space

Designing and creating an office space can be expensive, whichever layout you choose; it’s vital to put in the time and planning needed to get it right for you and your company. If your office needs are more ad-hoc, renting a floor or several rooms may be a better option than taking on a self-sufficient office space.  This type of accommodation provides flexible solutions with hourly to monthly rental periods to meet the needs of your business.

The quality of this type of space will vary greatly as different office buildings will have different spaces available. The newer designs are likely to have modern facilities and accessories like coffee machines, informal and formal areas, meeting rooms, and first-class tech solutions. You don’t have to worry about creating the space. Your team turns up, uses the space for as long as they need it, and then leaves.

It’s the perfect solution for freelancers and startups who don’t have the budget to create a space of their own. However, that also has its disadvantages as you may need to share the space with other businesses so it won’t suit everyone.

Each business has different and unique needs which is why planning your office space is important as one size doesn’t fit all. Perhaps the best way of designing your modern office layout is by involving the people who will be using it the most. Employees are more likely to feel valued, inspired, and productive in a space they have helped to design.

Get In Touch To For Our Office Space Design Services

If you need help creating an innovative office space that meets the needs of your business, get in touch with Office Options. Our team will use their expertise to design a space that gets the best from your people.

To discuss your project with our team today, give us a call on 01642 211 100 and email us at sales@officeoptionsuk.com